Anak Agung Gde Sobrat ~ Old Master Bali ~ Sanur in the Peak (ARTI, April 2009)

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Penulis: Wayan Sunarta
Judul Pameran: –
Seniman: Anak Agung Gde Sobrat, Anak Agung Gde Maregeg, Ida Bagus Made Poleng, Ida Bagus Nadera, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, I Gusti Ketut Kobot, I Gusti Made Baret, I Gusti Made Deblog, Made Didja, Made Djata, Ida Bagus Made Djatasura, I Wayan Gerudug, Anak Agung Gde Raka Puja, Ida Bagus Made Togog
Kurator: –
Tempat Penyelenggaraan: Sanur in the Peak
Tanggal: –
Media: ARTI, No. 14
Bulan/Tahun: April 2009
Halaman: 96-103
Ukuran: 36. 9 MB

Stok 24


Many people would only know Sanur as of the attractive and crowded beaches in Bali. When it comes to art in Sanur, people usually will refer to the Belgian Painter Le Mayeur. Le Mayeur lived in Sanur’s coastal area with his beautiful wife, Ni Polok. At present time, the government has made Le Mayeur’s artistic residence to become a museum that particularly stores Le Mayeur’s work. The museum is one of Sanur’s attractions in addition to its beach.


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